The Loan Repayment Estimator can help you estimate the monthly payments you will need to make when repaying your Canada Student Loan.
All you need to do is enter:
Enter numbers without spaces or commas (e.g. 15000 or 4.0)
Payments start 6 months after your studies end. Any payments made during this six-month non-repayment period will be deducted from the total amount of your loan. The standard number of monthly payments is 114, however you may extend your repayment period up to 174 months (following the non-repayment period) or 180 months (including the non-repayment period) by changing the terms of your loan agreement. Check out Repay a Canada Student Loan - Update payment options for more information.
Once you click on the estimate button at the bottom, the estimator shows your estimated monthly payments. You can change and resubmit any of the numbers entered to compare different repayment options. Simply click back on your browser and enter another set of numbers.
The information you enter will not be shared, saved, stored in a database, or used for any other reason. For more information please consult our Privacy Policy.